BeeAware is a hub of information for beekeepers and growers about honey bee biosecurity and pollination of agricultural and horticultural crops.
The site contains an extensive range of information about exotic and established pests and diseases of honey bees, and helps beekeepers to identify and respond to these pest threats. It also contains information about the pollination of crops and how beekeepers and growers can work together to provide and receive best practice pollination services.
BeeAware was funded by the Australian honey bee industry, pollinator-reliant plant industries, Plant Health Australia, governments and R&D agencies.
All beekeepers are encouraged to make a bee-line for their hives and participate in the Bee Pest Blitz campaign. Read more
Honey bees play a vital role in Australia’s melon industry, with cross pollination a valuable contributor to crop produce. Read more
In 2023 the NBPSP performed more than 4,080 surveillance activities at 22 locations throughout Australia. Read more
Alcohol washing can remove over 90% of mites with multiple washes. Read more
Rod Bourke, NSW Bee Biosecurity Officer, discusses the importance of mite surveillance. Read more
As the Bee Biosecurity Officer for Queensland, I keep my eyes peeled for bee pests and diseases when I am undertaking demonstrations or hive checks. More importantly though, I educate beekeepers throughout Queensland on the pests and diseases that they should be looking for in their own hives and how to identify them. Asian hornets […] Read more