A new condition will come into effect from 1 July 2020 requiring existing and new beekeepers registered in NSW to comply with the Australian Honey Bee Industry Biosecurity Code of Practice (the Code).
The Code has been developed by industry in collaboration with all states and territories to provide a national minimum standard for beekeeping practices. The beekeeping industry has approached Government to make the Code a condition of beekeeper registration in NSW.
From 1 July 2020, it will be compulsory for beekeepers registered in NSW to ensure their management practices meet the minimum standards outlined in sections of the Code. Meeting these standards will not be a big change for beekeepers who have already adopted sound management practices in their beekeeping and comply with current requirements under the NSW Biosecurity Act 2015.
The Code is divided into parts. Part B of the Code is compulsory for all beekeepers. Part C applies only to beekeepers managing 50 hives or more. Part D is recommended, but not compulsory. A summary of new and existing requirements is available on the NSW Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI) honey bee webpage.
It is the responsibility of all beekeepers to make sure they are complying with all relevant parts of the Code prior to 1 July 2020 to avoid possible penalties following this date.
Beekeeping is an evolving industry that has grown exponentially in recent years. Changes are required to adapt to growth and ensure NSW beekeepers are held accountable for managing their hives, bee health and minimising biosecurity risk within the industry. The Code of Practice sets a nationally consistent framework for minimum standards for beekeepers.
By adhering to the code of practice, beekeepers will be helping to protect their industry and honeybees from the impacts of pests and diseases like varroa mite and American foulbrood.
Mandating compliance with the Code of Practice in NSW will:
NSW DPI will be working closely with industry over the coming months to support beekeepers prior to the change coming into effect. Visit the NSW DPI registration webpage for updates, resources, information sessions and FAQs.
Acknowledgement: This article was supplied by NSW DPI.