
  • Victorian Bee Biosecurity Officer update

    17/03/2020 – 2:44 pm At the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020, Victorian Bee Biosecurity Officer Ally Driessen focused on bee biosecurity and disease and pest risk mitigation through: Supporting beekeepers who have notified the department about pests, diseases and bee deaths. These are mostly cases of suspected American Foulbrood (AFB) and chalkbrood. Supporting councils (through the Apiary […] Read more
  • Bee biosecurity checklist for almond pollination

    01/08/2019 – 9:28 am Beekeepers who plan to attend pollinations are urged to complete a four point checklist. Read more
  • Guides to better pollination

    09/07/2019 – 8:59 am Pollination guides for blueberry, melon, macadamia and avocado crops are now available for Australian producers. Each brochure contains detailed information about the basics of pollination, the range of pollinators for the crop, and a checklist to ensure the best pollination results. The unique features of each crop are considered to give tailored advice on maximising pollination […] Read more
  • It’s a buzz

    05/06/2019 – 9:33 am Native bee enthusiasts and professionals alike are in a buzz of excitement with the formation their own member organisation, the Australian Native Bee Association. President Dr Tim Heard said: “The association will harness and spread the enthusiasm for native bees by many groups including naturalists, beekeepers, farmers and backyarders.” The Australian Native Bee Association aims […] Read more
  • Stingless bees as effective pollinators

    11/10/2018 – 11:41 am Honeybees are excellent pollinators of many crops, but the burden placed on their health by pests and diseases is heavy. Added to that, the looming threat of a varroa mite incursion makes our reliance on honeybees for pollination decidedly risky. In this context, the Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment at Western Sydney University is heading […] Read more