
  • Biosecurity award finalist breeds bees keen on housekeeping

    07/09/2015 – 12:42 pm

    Beekeeper Lindsay Bourke, who owns and runs Australian Honey Products, has bred bees that clean out their brood nest at the whiff of a pest or disease. Lindsay is a finalist for the Plant Biosecurity Farmer of the Year Award, sponsored by Plant Health Australia. He manages 3,600 hives for honey production and the pollination […] Read more

  • Simulation exercise shows crop producers need to BEE vigilant

    22/07/2015 – 12:30 pm

    Restricting the movement of hives would be the best way to stop the spread of an exotic pest of honey bees – but could have a significant impact on the production of fruits, vegetables and nuts if it happened during pollination season. This is one of the main findings from a simulation exercise carried out […] Read more

  • Biosecurity plan an investment for award finalist

    26/08/2014 – 12:56 pm

    According to Lindsay Bourke, finalist in the 2014 Plant Biosecurity Farmer of the Year Award, a biosecurity plan is an investment in the future of a business and the community. The beekeeper manages 3,600 hives for honey production and the pollination of over 80 crops. The main product of his company Australian Honey Products is […] Read more

  • Experts come together to consider pesticide risks to honey bees

    23/04/2014 – 12:34 am

    A symposium held in Canberra on 9 April 2014 concluded that neonicotinoids, a newer class of insecticide commonly used to control insect pests in crops, are unlikely to be presenting any greater threat to honey bees and crop pollination than other pesticides which have been in use for many years. Read more