Identifying apiary sites

Apiary sites should be identified

Farm Biosecurity sign 900x600mmFor beekeepers with more than 50 hives

Identifying your apiary sites with clearly visible signs that include your contact details will enable quick contact in the event of a natural disaster (such as a bushfire) or other threat to bee health such as pesticide spray drift. It will also help visiting beekeepers or inspectors to respect biosecurity as they will be aware they are entering an apiary site and can ensure that they only use clean equipment or clothing while in the area.

Signs need to show the beekeeper’s name or company name and include a contact number in lettering at least 25mm high, as well as any other requirements of your state or territory legislation.

12.1 All occupied apiary sites, not on the beekeeper’s normal place of residence, should be identified by a clearly visible notice legibly showing the beekeeper’s name (or company name) and a contact telephone number in lettering no less than 25 mm high. This is in addition to any other requirements of relevant state or territory legislation.
12.2 Beekeepers are strongly encouraged to use the template provided above.

Templates for signs

Download the Code

Australian Honey Bee Industry Biosecurity Code of Practice

The Code of Practice is also available in Greek, Arabic, Italian and Turkish